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Working with individuals, teams and organizations
to unlock potential
Blow the whistle, take a time-out, reflect, learn, reset, go again.
Coaching Whistle


Executive. Individual. Team

We see coaching as a blow of the whistle, a step to the sideline and a moment to pauseWe coach to help make sense of things, accelerate performance, navigate transitions, get people unstuck. Coaching is a safe space to speak out loud what's easy, what's hard and all the things in between. We work one-on-one to bring your big, wild dreams to life. 

Facilitation Whistle


Talent programs. Leadership development. Offsites.

We combine excellent facilitation with world class content to create unforgettable experiences that develop leaders equipped for the future. We design customized solutions for leaders, managers and teams to work effectively in moments of transition. We offer blended solutions to fit the outcome you want to achieve.

Consultation Whistle


Shifting mindsets.

Transforming culture.

We work in partnership with you to diagnose the areas of focus and suggest custom solutions to enhance your organization. We have expertise in leader, manager and team development, change and transition, employee engagement, onboarding, talent planning and a whole lot more.


Guiding Priniciples

The starting point.


Humans are constantly evolving.

Who we are today is not who we will be tomorrow. We are continuously shaped by our experiences; how we make sense of them is pivotal to how we evolve. Growth happens all the time, and what we do with that growth matters.


The world needs strong leaders and people managers more than ever.

Managers account for up to 70% of employee engagement. Leaders set the tone for the organization. Every employee deserves to be engaged and fulfilled in meaningful work. It is crucial to invest in people manager and leader development. The success of the business depends on it.


Everyone deserves to live their full authentic life.

There is a joy to discovering who we are at our best and what we need to truly thrive. Choosing to live that way every day in every interaction requires courage, accountability and commitment. Always. No exceptions. 


The distance to reach our full potential is shorter than we think.

Understanding the depth and breadth of our potential is liberating, exciting and scary as heck. Potential exists everywhere and knowing how to build momentum towards it is an every day task, it's not always easy, however, it is always worth it.


Hi, I'm Vic

I’m a learning and development geek. I'm a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), leadership expert, facilitator and consultant.


I am fueled by human connection. I believe in the power of a single conversation. I know every person can realize their full potential given the right tools and knowledge. 


Over the last 25 years, I have led manager and leader development at several organizations including Nike, Google and Amazon.


I do my best work with individuals, teams and organizations that are looking to change culture, seek different perspectives, shift mindsets and unlock potential. Big dreams, small goals, something in between, these are all spaces I love to help.


What we bring to the partnership

Three decades of learning and development expertise specializing in leader, manager and team development, employee engagement, employee onboarding, human centered design, executive coaching and organizational transformation.  We have extensive management and leadership experience – having worked internationally and led global teams for 25+ years in retail, wholesale, sporting goods and tech.


We understand the challenges that organizations face today and are committed to building better leaders to drive more engaged employees and enhanced business results.


The key to our success is deep expertise alongside best-in-class relationship building and communication skills.  We combine these with a strong desire to do great work that moves people, teams and organizations to places never thought possible.


Listen to the podcast

Welcome to Go Coach Yourself!, a podcast to help you get unf*cked and build the incredible life you deserve. Join Vic and Ryan, two certified coaches trying to change the world one conversation at a time.


Watch WhistleTips

WhistleTips are bite-sized drops of inspiration. Designed to boost your mood and productivity and help you tackle what life throws at you.

We are here to help you take a time-out,

reflect, learn, reset, go again.

Blow the whistle to get in touch. 

Based in Brooklyn, NY.

Working with clients worldwide.

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